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Monday, July 21, 2014

*Computer Building Basics 1

Computer Building Basics Part 1.

Hey guys, today we are going to be learning about some computer building basics.
First, let's start with why you would want to build a PC instead of buying one.

Building a PC can save you money, especially with more expensive systems, is fun and you also get the feeling that you have made something awesome. It might seem very challenging but in reality, it really is not. There are many online resources for building PCs. You also get added upgradeability ex. you can pop in a new SSD or HDD, add RAM, Video Cards etc…

If you did not read the intro, click the link below.

The Parts of a Computer

1. CPU(Central Processing Unit)- The CPU, in simple terms, is the thing that carries out a program's instructions. It can be considered as the brain of the computer. The faster the CPU, the quicker these instructions will be carried out.

2. Motherboard- The motherboard is like the soul of the computer. The purpose of the motherboard is to link all the parts together. You connect the CPU, Random Access Memory(RAM), storage, video card(s), Power Supply Unit (PSU) etc...
You also need it to install the Operating System(OS).

3. RAM(Random Access Memory)- RAM is the part of the computer in which running programs store data to quickly refer to. More and faster RAM means that the data Can be accessed quicker and programs will run faster.

4. Storage

Storage is where you will store all your data such as files, photos etc... There are two main storage technologies. They are Hard Disk Drives(HDDs) and Solid State Drives(SSDs) and their derivatives. We will explain them later in the course.



5. Case

A Computer's case is what you put all the components in. It is what you see from the outside of a computer.

6. Video Card*^^^^

A computer's video card is the part that generates output images to a monitor etc...
You will need one to display anything

7. CPU Cooler

The CPU Cooler is a part that sits over the CPU and cools it. Many CPUs come with one but you can buy a more powerful one.

8. Case fans*

Case fans are fans that cool down your whole computer.

9. Optical Drive*^

Optical Drives are basically CD Drives. They can be useful while installing an OS.

10. Operating system

The Operating System is basically what the computer runs for it to be usable. They include Windows, OSX, Chrome OS, Linux etc...

Windows 8

11. Power Supply Unit(PSU)*^^

The PSU is the device that converts wall outlet power into power that the computer can use. It also gives power to the various components.

12. Sound and Wireless and Ethernet Cards Cards*^^^

These are devices that let the computer make audio and connect to WIFI and the internet.

Sound Card

Ethernet Card

Wireless(WiFi) Card

We will release the second part soon.
The BTC Team

*Many cases have them pre-installed with the option of adding more.
*^ Optional.
*^^ Some cases have them pre-installed.
*^^^ Many Motherboards have them pre-installed.
*^^^^ Some CPUs and Motherboards include them with the option of adding more powerful graphics cards.

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